Other common name: hump-backed whale. Humpback whales are baleen whales. They migrate to cold water feeding grounds during the summer and then to warm water breeding grounds in the winter. Found throughout the world's oceans. Breaching occurs when the whale propels itself into the air head-first and then splashes back into the water. The reason for this behaviour is still unknown.
- Copyright
- © Turner Forte Photography
- Image Size
- 3786x5700 / 7.1MB
- www.turnerforte.com
- Keywords
Agility, Alaska, Animals in the wild, baleen, behavior, Breeching, cetaceans, color image, endangered, Frederick Sound, freedom, Humpback Whales, jumping, majestic, marine, marine mammals, Megaptera novaeangliae, no people, nobody, one animal, photography, powerful, rare, strength, TFRM, TFSEL, USA, vertical, Vitality, wildlife
- Contained in galleries
- Fine Art